Pre-registrations for First Reconciliation and First Communion will be accepted in the parish office. Please come, Monday to Friday from 10:00AM-12:00PM or 1:00-3:00PM and bring the required certificates.
Children will be registered for both Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion at the same time. However, they will first attend the sacrament preparation for Reconciliation from October to December 2024. Sacrament Preparation for First Communion will be from January to March 2025.
Click here to download registration form.
Candidates: 7 years or older and in Grade 2 or above
Pre-Requisite: Baptism
Required Certificates: Birth & Baptism Certificates (bring photocopy during registration)
Registration Fee: $60.00
Click here to download registration form.
Candidates: 12 years or older and in Grade 6 or above
Pre-Requisite: Baptism, Reconciliation & First Communion
Required Certificates: Birth, Baptism and First Communion Certificates (bring photocopy during registration)
Registration Fee: $30.00
For questions, please call the parish office at 403-273-2266.